Butikken/ Shop




samarkand, østerbro, pelshatte, pelshuer, pels accessories, jane eberlein, samarkanddk


Dansk version.


Samarkand på Østerbro i København, er en oplevelse. Her træder man ind i Aladdin´s hule, et farverigt Mekka, i et personligt interiør, hvor værkstedet danner rammen om de eventyrlige pelshatte og det store udbud af skønne og spændende accessoires.
Samarkand handler også med eksklusive og anderledes accessoirer fra Paris og Indien, til både sommer og vinter. Alt fra skønne farverige tørklæder og sjaler, kvalitets uldhuer, eksotiske smykker, lædertasker, handsker og pelsværk. Om sommeren, flotte nederdele og bluser.
Jane Eberleins store kendskab til Østens gamle kulturer mærkes tydeligt i Samarkand, hvor hun formår, at sammensætte Vestens tid og mode med Østens farverige kulturer.
Hendes Eventyrlige Pelshatte er stadig hendes store kærlighed og hun har kreeret et rigt udvalg af hatte modeller, som helt igennem er fremstillet i hånden i udsøgte materialer af bedste kvalitet. Hun har gennem årene solgt i både New York, Stockholm og senest i Paris, i mode kvarteret omkring Avenue Montaigne.
Jane Eberlein arbejder med brokader fra bl.a Dior og Jean-Paul Gaultier, silke brokader og broderier fra Indien og Japan. Pullen er håndbroderet med bl.a swarowski krystaller. Pelshattene er fremstillet på 100% uld og monteres med kun den fineste pels, mink, ræv,etc.
Senest har Jane Eberlein haft stor succes med sin kollektion af cashmere sjaler kantet med ræv, så det kan bruges både som pelskrave, pelshætte eller stola.

Pelshatte, sjaler, handsker m/pels og muffediser, udføres også på bestilling


Samarkand Østerbro hatte butik


samarkand, østerbro, pelshatte, pelshuer, pels accessories, jane eberlein, samarkanddk



samarkand, østerbro, pelshatte, pelshuer, pels accessories, jane eberlein, samarkanddk



samarkand, østerbro, pelshatte, pelshuer, pels accessories, jane eberlein, samarkanddk






The Shop ( English )

Exotic fur hats , inspired from ancient times on the Mongolian steppes, Russian Tsars, Chinese mandarins and Tibetan nomads, is to be found in Samarkand in the East part of Copenhagen.

Samarkand a combined boutique and atelier also sells very exclusive and different accessories from both Paris and India. A rich variety of colourful scarves, shawls, good quality wool hats, exotic jewellery, leather bags, gloves and furs. During the summer you will find beautiful skirts and blouses.
Jane Eberlein has a profound knowledge of the old oriental cultures and it is strongly felt in Samarkand, where she combines the colourful cultures of the Orient with the Western theme and fashion.
The exotic fur hats are still the great love of Jane Eberlein and she has created a rich variety of models, which is totally unique. Each and every fur hat is made by hand and she uses only the very best materials and fabrics.
Through out the years, Jane Eberlein`s fur hats have been sold in New York and Stockholm,
and latest in Paris in the fashion area around Avenue Montaigne.
Jane Eberlein works with brocades from Christian Dior, Jean-Paul Gaultier and with silk brocades and embroideries from India and Japan. Several models are hand embroidered with Swarovski crystal. The fur hats are made of 100% wool and mounted only with the finest fur, mink, fox and occasionally sable. ( Look under Designer).
The latest big success has been her collection of wrist warmers. Sewn of beautiful brocade and embroideries lined with the softest fur and edged with mink.
On woollen shawls in exotic and patterns she mounts fur pong pong´s, which gives the shawls a very sophisticated and exclusive look.
Samarkand on Østerbro, part of Copenhagen, Denmark is an experience. Here you will step into Aladdin’s cave, a colourful Mecca, where the atelier forms the frame around the exotic and exclusive fur hats and the great selection of accessories.

Look also under “ Designer”.
Monday to Friday: 12.00-18.00
Saturday: 11.00-16.00.
Appointments can be made.


The atelier and boutique may be closed a few days due to trip to Paris to purchase accessories.
During the month of March, the atelier and boutique is closed due to travel to India to work and purchase accessories.
You are welcome to call for further information.

Atelier & Boutique
Dag Hammarskjoelds Alle 32.
2100. Copenhagen. Ø
